Amélie Boutillier, Deputy General Manager of Engineering, Communauté de Communes Terroir de Caux

After several different jobs in the private sphere, first in a building services design office and then for a major construction company dealing with water and sewage works, I came to Communauté de Communes Terroir de Caux in December 2017 as head of the Water and Water Treatment department. I am now Deputy General Manager of everything that is classed as Engineering for the area we cover (Heritage, the Environment, Town Planning, Water Treatment, Roads and Parks).

I really love my job and am always ready to get stuck into a new project. The most gratifying thing is being there where it all begins – building a project that is sustainable from a financial, engineering and environmental perspective while always bearing in mind the future generations who will be using what we put in place.

I was delighted when the PACCo project was accepted, and it was a new challenge for myself. This has been the first time I’ve worked with another country or with this specific type of funding.

This project is a shining example of how to adapt to climate change.

Project Location: Basse Saane 2050, France